Saturday, July 7, 2018

Selfish King Solomon

Solomon had so much favor with God, and I wonder why he chose idols.

I believe Israel found God's laws difficult to observe and their pagan gods allowed them to live as they pleased.

Solomon had great wealth, so much that I wondered if it was somehow an exaggeration. His annual income was 25 tons of gold.

He used gold to cover a lot of the things in his house.

Where did all this come from?

The people.

He taxed them heavily.

He was a selfish king.

Another insight I had;

Wisdom is not the same as Righteousness. A wise person may not be righteous.

Solomon was a wise king, but he was not a righteous one.

He was sinful in his idolatry, and sinful in his selfish overtaxing of the people.

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