Saturday, May 19, 2018

Are women allowed to teach?

This is a controversial topic. The apostle Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:8-15, “I do not permit a woman to
teach or to assume authority over a man”.
My personal interpretation is:
a) Paul elsewhere makes blanket statements, “Cretans [inhabitant of island of Crete] are always
liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons. This saying is true.”, in Titus 1:12. Was it just a personal
outburst or an absolute and eternal truth?
b) “ I do not permit… ” is a personal statement.
c) Deborah was a warrior leader, prophetess and judge of Israel for decades. She was definitely
in authority over men. Huldah was a prophetess. Philip’s daughters prophesied.
d) There is continuity from O.T. to N.T. See the table in #5. If God did not want women to teach or
have authority over men, then there would have been such a restriction in the O.T. too. we
would have seen it throughout.
John Piper says that women are not allowed to teach. Piper is wrong but no one will listen to me because I do not have a microphone. Here is one simple reason. The Bible is consistent from Old Testament to the New New Testament for instance Animal Sacrifices became Living Sacrifices (Galatians), Tithing became Freewill Giving (Corinthians), Physical Circumcision became Circumcision of the Heart. If there truly was prohibition on women teaching then why wouldn't we have seen that in the Old Testament and no affirmation from Jesus also that women cannot teach? This restriction from Paul is in the same category as him saying, "All Cretans are liars". It is perhaps reminiscent of the anti-semitic rants of Martin Luther.

i) Since women did not lead or teach often in secular life, it was not due to a stricture from
God, but women were illiterate and a weaker section of society.
ii) The O.T. priests were men only. But in the N.T., all believers are priests. There is no
spiritual distinction between men and women being priests. “...nor is there male and
female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)
e) There was no such prohibition from Jesus. However, all the apostles were men.
f) My Christian journey has been blessed by the teachings of women like Kay Arthur and Alaine
I do not know if women can be senior pastors (again, Old Testament model!) but I am convinced that
they can teach and preach.

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