Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Should a preacher be wealthy?

For years I did not know the answer to the question but then I realized that Jesus worked as a carpenter or stone mason for perhaps 24 years (probably since age 6 as his father Joseph's apprentice, until ministry at 30). Apostle Paul worked as a tent maker. Instead of amassing wealth, Jesus would have provided for his family and given to help the poor.

They could have used the money that their followers donated, to amass houses and possessions but as Jesus said, "foxes have holes and birds have nests but the son of Man has nowhere to lay his head".
Jesus had the power to turn stones into gold. Why didn't he do so?

There was an expose TV program on Inside Edition on the televangelists.
However even local megachurch pastors in my city live like this with private jets and million dollar mansions.

Here is what I believe:
If a person becomes wealthy by providing goods or services to society then it is between him and God how he should use his wealth. For instance, the Waltons (Walmart founder), or even non Christians like Bill Gates (microsoft), Jeff Bezos (amazon).
But if a person is amassing wealth by donations from his followers then he has no right to hold onto it but to give it away. He should live a lifestyle at the median level of his followers. The same applies to wealth from book sales and DVD sales to his followers.

As I commented:

Jesus said we must "beware of wolves that will come in to devour the flock" in Matthew 7. All these people get rich not by inventing some new software or patenting a novel ground breaking invention or discovering a new drug that will cure a disease. They just get money by making their followers donate $$$ or buy their books and DVDs.

Interesting comment from user dante_dt:

dante dt
4 months ago
@David BroganIt's not your own free will when you give after being manipulated to give with a hope to receive. You hear all these deceptive teachings and think 'that means for me to get a breakthrough i need to sow a seed into the ministry'. See, that's not free will. The jet is for the ministry? Yeah right,  the ministry is his (Kenneth Copeland Ministries). So the jet is his. Why  do you keep quoting parts of the bible about prosperity? I'm not saying God does not bless people, i have a lot of faith and i'm where i am because God has blessed me a lot. But i will never give my money to these liars.
My whole point is Kenneth makes money by deceptively teaching people to sow into his ministry and for people to believe God for rewards. He makes money from people, where do people get their money from? If Kenneth wants a million dollars, he'll mention it to the church to sow seeds, but if you need a million dollars you need to believe God. It's not about faith, it's presented as if it's about faith.When you deceive someone, you mix truth with lies.Are you not understanding this basic analysis??

dante dt
4 months ago
@David Brogan Do you call it generous when you deceptively receive money from people and donate a portion of it? My  question again David,  why is Kenneth teaching that people must sow a seed into his ministry but they should ask God for blessings. The whole teaching about 'sow a seed to HIS ministry and you'll receive a reward' is a lie. You brought up Paul and 'asking amiss', you see what i mean, when people want to prosper, they're taught to pray to God, sow a seed, have faith but when Kenneth wants a jet, the money comes from the people. When people don't receive anything they're told 'you asked amiss' or 'your lack faith' or 'it's not God's time yet'. The equation for Kenneth's wealth is simple(Kenneth's wealth = money from people) but the equation for people's wealth is complicated(People's wealth = pray in the will of God x Sow a seed x have faith x God's time x Tithe x more variables as Kenneth takes from the bible to shift the goal post).For Kenneth it's one variable, for people, it's a lot.It's a scam David, it's a lie!?

dante dt
4 months ago
?@David Brogan The selling is done tactically and deceptively. People end up giving money to his ministry after being taught they'll receive their money back in multiple folds. My question still stands: if he gets his money for the jets and a huge mansion from people 'sowing seeds' into his ministry as they're taught to do, where do the people get their money from?People are taught "God will reward you' at some point IN THE FUTURE, meanwhile, his bank account full of cash,TODAY.It's deception at its best.?

dante dt
4 months ago
@David Brogan He sells prosperity to people who are desperate. 2Timothy 4:3-4 For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.?

And here is a heartbreaking news article from the BBC. I don't like them for their bias but the truth is the truth

"Plant your investment of your time, talent and money into the local community and you are going to find people who need help," says Larry, adding that he knows his neighbourhood pastor personally.

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