Saturday, February 24, 2018

Was America founded as a Christian nation?

In our church prayer meeting this morning, our pastor prayed that school shootings like the Parkland Florida happened because we "removed God from our schools and were a Christian nation, and are trying to erase the Creator".

I was remembering my email conversation with a friend after our trip to Washington DC last August. I put my responses down here.

In the Capitol (where Congress meets), the ceiling of the dome is painted.
The painting in the Cupola is called the Apotheosis of Washington where it depicts him as God in heaven... here it is.

We saw the original Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Capitol Hill , money being printed at the mint, and some of the museums. We visited the Air and Space Museum, and saw the Hope Diamond in the museum of natural history. But we could explore them for only a few hours each. We watched the president's Marine Corps band play a concert at the lawns of the Washington Monument in the night. On our way back we visited Gettysburg and retraced some of the battle through the battlefields. We are still driving back home as we speak.
But my overall impression was that Washington was made into a god even the painting in the Cupola showed him as God and he had the capital named after him and in the Capitol Museum it clearly said that he was a Freemason and his Freemasonry geometry tools were used in the measuring of the laying of the capitol. These were displayed. Also I had read before that our currency has Freemasonry in it in the pyramid and Eye and I had dismissed them as conspiracy theories. Not anymore. This did not seem like a very Christian Nation to me when I saw it. There was no mention of Jesus or even God and as far as I could see there was only glorification of the founding fathers and I said this even when we entered the country 20 years ago; the founding fathers are  revered as the prophets and the Constitution is the Bible. I wonder if America is inventing its own religion called Americanism. It sounds crazy to even think it. Also they're rewriting history. Civil War retelling glorified the Union as morally good and the Confederates as evil. But it has been argued by theologians that the Bible does not prohibit slavery and the Confederates were fighting sincerely for their cause. The capital tour guide told us that they will be removing all the Confederate statues in the capital. The Confederate states are pushing for their removal.

Through the years, I have heard sermons in American churches of how godly the founding fathers were.

However when I saw for myself, I was shocked and I wonder if American Christians are in denial.
I find it sinister that the Washington monument is a Freemason symbol and also no other building is allowed to be taller than it. Even a secular webpage has this to say.

"While the idea that the obelisk is a representation of the phallus may be a story that seems stranger than fiction, when you think of Washington as the founding father of the United States, and the obelisk being a representation of fatherhood/patriarchy, it makes a lot of sense. Moreover, Washington was a Master Freemason, which in their terminology deems him as a “living stone” who became the cornerstone of American civilization. All the stars seem to align and the dots connect as to why the Washington monument was erected (no pun intended) in his honour."

It becomes absolutely clear when there is no mention of Jesus at all in the shrines of America - that the "in God we trust" refers to a general god - just like Brahman, or Zeus or Buddha or Allah.

On my mother's side of the family, they were devout and strong Christians.
But on my father's side, my father's father was a Hindu and a freemason.
My father recalls, as a boy, seeing him in his robes.
I found this article about freemasonry being a religion.

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